Thursday, November 13, 2003

Wow its been awhile since I've posted. No particular reason that I can think of other than I'm really lazy....been doing some work, though not much.

Spent the afternoon walking around Hawthorne Park with Amber. I love 65+ degree weather the 12th of Nov....but we're paying for it its somewhere around 30 degrees....I REALLY HATE THE MIDWEST WEATHER!!! San Diego or something like that sounds really good on days like today.

Its finally 10th week, which in my world turns out to be one of the easiest weeks of the year. I need to finish up my Mechatronics project and write a paper for Ethics and then 3 tests next week then I'm done.

Break should be extremely interesting. Amber and I are going up to Michigan to visit her family on Friday, then we're driving to my cabin on Monday, possibly meeting my mom there or something. Then home on Tuesday sometime. Finally back to Rose on that Sunday or so!

I get to be Denean's fashion designer again this weekend, she needs an outfit for a family event. I guess its just a good thing I act straight most of the time! Other than fashion and teddy bears holding balloons, I guess.

Thursday, November 6, 2003

Everything seems to be going really well right now. I really can't complain about anything....well except for that whole shitty grades thing, but I'll get over that.

I'm so ready for this quarter to be over and to go home for a while and at least not have classes. Its looks like that Amber will be going home with me, I just need to figure out when I want to go home.

Not too much to say today, or at least right now.