Wednesday, December 7, 2005


Wow its been cold the past few days...not getting above 20F...and Iowa has been spending lots of time below zero! Scary cold. No snow here but there is supposed to be tonight.
Another demo last sale...yet....
Amber has job training today for a parttime position at CMSU bookstore...hey its money! She had a phone interview on Monday for a semi-leadership position at a cheese factory. Sounded great, except she would be working 2nd and 3rd when I would be coming home she would be going to work. The work experience would be awesome for her, so we'll just have to see where God leads us.
I'm debating on where I want to be in the future...both in career and location. I am itching to be closer to my family but there are many factors working for and against that. Also with the job thing I don't know what I want. I don't hate where I'm at, but its also not my "dream job" either. There is a position that will be openning at church that I would love, but have little to no experience for...a technical engineer to handle the new equipment being install for the gym renovation ($700,000 worth of stuff!) I might investigate into that and see what I can find out about that. It would have to be a full time thing for it to be worthwhile...but who knows....
It does not seem to be Christmas time...I don't know why but this year has flown by!

Thursday, December 1, 2005

What a busy time!

So life is busy, crazy and great right now!
Working 50+ hours at Duke, another 10 or so with Rainbow stuff and a bunch of church activities.

Went to Iowa last week and had a great time with my family. I'm really itching to move back up there...if it wasn't SOOOO cold. Its 10-20 degrees colder there than MO. I don't want to leave our church and friends here though...the house I'll be happy to get rid of!

For Christmas this year I think me and Amber are going to ask for movies, games and giftcards for clothes. We are set (if not overstuffed) with house stuff. Sure we could use a area rug or artwork, but overall we're great (thanks to my dad). So we want to compile a list of movies we want and games we need...any suggestions?