Thursday, October 30, 2003

So yeah, I love how life can get insanely complex in a matter of days.

Anyway, I'm as happy as I've been in a long time, so I can't complain!!

Went to the doctor with Denean yesterday: she's got bronchitis. Yikes!! I never get sick from her illnesses (knock on wood), or at least haven't in the past 5 years, but that doesn't mean I won't be a carrier and give it to others (i.e. Amber)....if I do, sorry!!

And I was putting thought into various aspects of things, including my blog (and others) after talking to my mom, who said she felt like she was doing something wrong by reading this (isn't that cute!). But these things can be dangerous in that ANYONE can read them. Any information is then open to the public and can be discussed with whoever and for whatever reason they like. Its public domain, its not like it was confidentially told to you (which brings up a whole other topic I really don't want to go into). So to myself and anyone else: If you don't want your personal matters discussed, don't write them in a way that can be view by any and everyone!

On a similar note: I really wish people had the balls to say stuff to the people that matter! I'm not saying I'm better than anyone on this topic, cause I know I've failed to do the correct thing more often than not in my life.

Once again, party this weekend!! Plan on jagging ISU tonight sometime. Also TNA is having a Halloween party tomorrow night at the Vault. I don't know where or what that is, but supposedly it should be a really big party! Should be fun!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

So another "Weekend Wednesday" over....oh wait, I had 4 hours of lab and 3 hours of work, and next quarter really isn't any better, I think I've got 6 hours of lab scheduled.

I've ordered Barn Dance sweatshirts, security for the party this Saturday, and oh yeah made things "official." (If you don't know what I mean then you are not talking to me enough.)

And if you are wondering yes there is a party here this Saturday: Barn Dance featuring Busscrew

Thanks to Fast Track Apparel and Duece

Also next Saturday (Nov 8th) there is a Toga party with the help of Tau Nu Alpha from ISU. Should be a shockingly good party!!

Monday, October 27, 2003

Wow 2 posts in 2 days end of the world or something!!

Actually I'm just avoiding homework like usual.

Things are weird right now, and I'm not completely sure how or why. "Something in the water" as some cute girls said tonight.

Nothing new to any extent on any end. My grades aren't where I want them, I didn't get anything from the career fair, and to top things off I don't know what I want in life right now. I'm having a blast with what I'm doing, but I really don't know what direction I want ANYTHING to go. So over all I'm having a quite depressing night and really don't know how or why exactly. Though I'm sure I could guess on at least part of the reason; not that I want to say any names: Denean. Oops did I say that outloud? But to be honest she has been the reason for the major of my mental anguish over the last year, but, yes, I admit (as I have for a long time) it is MY fault. Its really bad when you sum up the last 3+ years of your life in an adlibbed line:

"All the money that I'll be making isn't worth what I've lost"

Saturday, October 25, 2003

So its been a while since i've had the time or at least taken the time to do much with this thing. Not too much has happened. Fall break was quite uneventful. The house is looking amazing after being remodel. If you've seen it before, you really need to now; if you haven't seen it before, now is a great time to!! Also had the career fair on Wednesday, but that was rather unsuccessful, so looks like I'm gonna have to rely on the internet and contacts. Denean is back home again this weekend, this time her grandpa flew her back. So that makes three straight weekends we haven't seen each other.

Well next weekend is Barndance and the weekend after that is Toga party so its gonna be a busy couple weeks for your friendly neighborhood Epsilon!!

Well its time to clean my room and get ready for my date tonight.....

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

So its finally (or already) Bid Tuesday, I'm anxiously awaiting 5pm to see who will become my brothers, a few guys specifically I'm hoping for, though I'm being my usual pessimistic self. I've got two tests today, one down, one to go. I ended staying up WAY too late last night, but I think it was worth it. I'm heading home tomorrow afternoon, long lonely drive. Well time to continue to study (read:cram). Hope break goes well.

Thursday, October 9, 2003

Its amazing how nice missing class can be

Tuesday, October 7, 2003

Holy Crap!! There is only one week left of rush! Damn 5 weeks goes really quick, I forget how much I actually liked the 8 week thing, even though it felt soooo long. Things are looking up on my end of things with the guys that I've been rushing hard! I'm very excited. I hope everyone else is having as good luck as I am! A couple guys in particular seem to be making good progress, if not completely in. Last night was another movie night, so not much sleep expect for that done during my classes again! I really need to stop that!! I did wake up to register however, so that was nice, got all the classes at the times I wanted and looks like I have some fun people in my Kukral class. BW3s tonight then SAC tomorrow, along with ELC stuff, and Pool/Poker tourney Thursday, followed by Second Formals Friday and Sunday and going to the drag races Saturday night! And of course on top of all of that a decent amount of homework is building up! Hell yeah, life is busy, but what a blast it is right now!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2003

So Homecoming weekend is now over. Quite the weekend! It was good to see a lot of the "old" guys, especially the guys that graduated when I was a freshman, including my big bro, Nate Irwin. Doty was a shock as he joined the "Look at me I lost weight"-Club, as Irwin and Maschino key members from before, though Irwin has re-gained a few. Friday started at Chuck's joining many guys that I've went to school with, like Stan, Gordon, Barkley and a few others. Much pitchers were drank and fun had by all. Denean and Katie picked me up (a little later than I hoped as I missed the pep rally and our SHOCKING banner). We then went to the liquer store for some Jager and Gold Strike (horrible Goldslager rip-off). Then wandered back the the house to continue some drinkin'. The house was pretty active with lots of alumni and active getting pleasantly intoxicated. Jager-slager(ish) was enjoyed in my room as well as beer brought by the alumni. The shots piled up and the deep fryer was used for some greasy goodness....who's combined efforts made if for an earlier than expected night. From later accounts it sounds like it was for the better (two words Naked Buttslides, ok so that stretching it for two words but close enough). Katie brought Denean home to shower and such, and around 1 o'clock me and Andy headed down to the game (Read: Beer Tent). Downed a brat and a Bud Light then when to squeeze in somewhere to watch the game. Ended up running into Denean some where in the second quarter when I went to our tent for pop (since beer could only be drank in the Beer Tent, stupid Rose). She came and sat with me and Andy. We watched Rose get their asses handed to them for awhile. We made it through the 3rd quarter and shortly through the 4th we decided to head to Hobby Lobby and Wal-Mart (and Bed, Bath and Beyond, but I didn't know if we'd have time). Dropped Denean off at her apartment and I made my way down Hulman back to the house. Shortly after I arrived I cracked open a Killians, chatted with Amber on AIM and wandered the house. Merkel and I ordered a pizza and another Amber came and hung out before she started drinking at Upstairsville. Amy and Amber showed up for some random drinking. Denean and Katie showed up, but there wasn't much going on in the house so we wandered around the house for awhile then decided to make a trip to Chuck's to see if anyone was there. It was 11 or so when we got there, and found Ashby and a few old guys very very drunk. Katie and Denean did not feel like hanging out there with them drunkards so we went back to the house. Katie soon left and I'd said that bring Denean home. We hung out some more and wandered and drank (well I didn't drink too much cause I was driving Denean home and all). Soon Denean decided she was ready to crash, so I took her home. After dropping her off I drove by Teepee Tavern on 25th and saw Wiseman and Doty standing outside so I stopped by to hang out and have a beer from my big bro. Once again I was the only active in the bar full of alumni. Stuck around there for an hour or so, talking mostly to Doty. We then decided to head back to the house. When I got there the front porch speakers were blaring country. Brown and expensive girlfriend (Zara) were slow dancing, and Amber was doing her "version" of slow dancing, which surprising looked a lot like her rap dancing. We danced until about 3 am or so then meandered upstairs to watch a movie.

Overall the weekend was fantastic!!