Last weekend went well, drove from KC to UP (of Michigan). its about at 14 hours jaunt! I stopped at my parents in Iowa and then me and my mom drove to Green Bay and stayed the night. We then went to Esky and I saw my mom's mom (who I hadn't seen in 10+ years). The point of the trip was to bring her a computer so she can use the internet and she's not very computer literate so it should lead to some interesting phone calls to and from mom. We saw the Rogers clan and had a good visit.
Back to work today and as you can see from this blog I'm hard at work!
Next weekend is Bassett's wedding! I'm very excited about heading to Indy and see friends from college and stopping by Terre Haute and visiting the newly remodeled house and eating a Tweety from Chucks! Good times. We plan on leaving early on Friday and driving to get there around lunch time probably a little after...Amber is planning on staying at Allison's and if I don't get any better offers I'll be there too.