Ok break is over, a new quarter has started. I survived last quarter, but like usual just barely.
Break was great. Amber and I went to Michigan to visit her family for a few days. Saw Craig Morton at Comedy Connexion and laughed until I cried, good times. We then headed to the cabin on Monday, and of course ran into a snowstorm. Everything was fine, traffic was slow and there was a 10-car pile-up before Battle Creek, so we sat stopped for a little while. After we got moving again things got interesting: There was enough snow coming down that normal highway speeds were impossible so at a crawling 40 mph traffic was a bear. Somewhere after Battle Creek a car in front of me hit their brakes, so I tapped mine to start slowing down. This is when my car decided it didn't want to go straight anymore....I corrected it fishtailing a few times, then thought I might want to stop before I hit the ditch going at any sort of speed (been there not fun). So I slammed on the brakes and this caused the car to start spinning. If you've ever been in a car accident you know how weird of a thing time becomes. Everything happened in a split second, but seemed to take forever as it was happening. With the grace of God we started spinning just as the highway met up with an onramp giving us an extra 10 feet or so and was slowed to a stop by those rumble strips on the edge of the road facing on-coming traffic of both the highway and the on ramp. An angel was with us because we avoided the ditch (being HOURS from anyone we knew) and all other traffic missed us as well. In a few mile span we saw close to a dozen cars and a handful of semis in the ditches, so we were very blessed with our brush with disaster.
We finally arrived at the cabin after making a few detours in Chicago...errr...ummm... I mean taking a scenic route. The cabin was amazing as ever. Amber was very impressed: "Its so beautiful I want to cry." It has to be my favorite place to be. I struggled to make a fire for about a half hour or so and finally got one lit (with some help from Amber). Mom and Kelsey arrived a while later and we hung out and watched Two Towers.
The week went really well at home, spending most nights playing board and card games with the fam. Mom kept the wine flowing too, which always is a good thing.
Thanksgiving itself was quite uneventful overall. Nothing bad mind you just nothing of obvious importance. My house was filled with people of all ages, a handful of kids and a number of adults, nearly 20 people total. Good food, good times.
Friday, got my car serviced and went shopping for a short time. We then went to Haunted Mansion, which was better than I expected, which doesn't mean too much since I didn't have that high of expectations but was worth sitting through, had a few funny spots and a couple times where Amber nearly screamed.
Then there's Friday night..........we went out with my best friend from middle school and his wife. Hit up Benigans and drank a fishbowl of liquer (come to my room and see the glass). Then we drove around Cedar Rapids, reminiscing about the last 7 years: when and where we lost our virginities, where we almost got beat up, etc. We then went to a redneck racing bar, which was a lot of fun. There was a live band playing though shots were $3.50. Got pleasantly drunk there then went next door: Dancers Ranch. Much fun was had by all....with the quote being said: "You're just jealous the stripper liked me more than you."
The next few days were mostly uneventful, with a safe drive back to school. And now school is in session and sucks.
Randomness for the day: So I walk into the bathroom and there's an old guy at the urinal just standing there picking at his nails with both hands. A few dribbles splashed out, he then zipped up, washed his hands and walked out. Another reason why I don't want to get old!!!!!
And I seem to having lots of emotional ups and downs as of late....Not completely sure why but I know it sucks. Denean's heading back home in a couple weeks, and after Christmas break I don't know when or if I'll see her again, :-(
Well that is all for now. Hopefully I'll be able to keep this updated a little better than I have in the past.